Acoustics in Interior Design

Good Acoustics for Happy Clients

Want your clients to be happy with the look AND the performance of the spaces you create? Simply ensure you consider room acoustics during your design phase.  

A surprisingly high number of projects are designed and built with no thought to room acoustics. In fact, most calls to acousticians happen post-occupancy. And that’s the worst time to discover a new build or renovation has big acoustic problems.

Too many projects look great but turn out to be unworkable or even unbearable for clients who move into them.  As you well know, retrofits are more expensive and often less attractive and less effective than could have been.

As an Interior Designer (or Architect, Contractor or other professional in the built environment), you CAN create spaces that sound as good as they look.  For happy clients who will love to work, play or live in them.

We are happy to consult at any stage of your thinking or design work, to discuss the impact of surface materials and the options for incorporating acoustic treatments.  Give us a call! 

How to Design Acoustically Sound Spaces

  1.  Consider the sound requirements for the space. How will it be used and by whom:  what interactions, what privacy, what ambiance do they need. 
  2. Consider the sound that will be created both inside and outside the space.
  3. Consider whether sound will travel IN from outside and if you need to block it (you might need sound proofing).
  4. Consider how your surface materials, fixtures and furnishings will reflect sound or absorb it (you might need acoustic panels).
  5. Consult with an acoustician at any stage to assess your design and get options for acoustics enhancement. (We’re happy to help!)
  6. Know about the range of decorative and conventional acoustic treatments that can support your design vision AND the well-being of the people who will work, play or live in your space. 

And if you need help, just ask! 

Christel Månsson, as an interior designer, got frustrated with having to “hide the acoustics” in her projects. So she created a new kind of decorative acoustic panel and called the line “Wobedo”. Simple shapes, great fabrics, lushly rounded edges and easy modular mounting creates an acoustic treatment you’ll want as much for the aesthetics! Save time and pick up on one of her “standard configurations” or create your own.

Design For Good Acoustics

Get advice on the acoustics issues & options at any stage of a project.